Thursday, November 25, 2010


I love My Chemical Romance. A lot.

It's not like they saved my life. There was no epiphany moment where I was holding a bottle of pills and I'm Not Okay came on the radio and I realised that, "hey, I don't want to die!"

But they were there for me (in a musical sense) when I felt like everything was falling apart. They made me. Before I started listening to them and music like them, I was ordinary. Like, no life ordinary.

And despite all the crap I got and still get for liking them, I don't give a fuck. Because well, they're special. They make me feel special.

The night I saw them live was the best night of my life. I honestly do not think anything could ever top it.

Now I'm pretty much rambling. But, Danger Days? Perfection.

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