Wednesday, October 6, 2010

because I'm materialistic

My birthday's in a few days, and I'm not having any parties or anything happening, which is alright, because I'm not much for fusses. (Okay, admittedly I like people giving me attention, but that's beside the point.)

As much as I would like to think otherwise, I am materialistic, the same as most people. So here is my wishlist.

1. The full boxset of Buffy the Vampire Slayer

2. This Skeleton Crew shirt, which I've wanted since well, forever.

3. A decent drum kit. Like, I don't know, this one? (Never mind it costing something like four grand...)

4. A new // several new guitar/s. Preferably Fender or maybe Gibson.

5. Another external hard drive, because I've almost used up a terabyte.

6. More memory for my lovely Macbook, otherwise known as Max.

7. The Angel boxset!


9. Also, this man please.

Or this guy.

Don't wanna be too picky.

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