Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I like your solo.

And well, this is starting to feel like a diary or journal more than a blog. I'm thinking of taking some high-contrast, over-exposed, photographs of ordinary objects or landscapes, and then Photoshopping the life out of them, and then post them and call them art. Maybe that'll prove how individual I am. Great.

We watched Pride and Prejudice in Lit today. The Keira Knightley version. She is possibly the most gorgeous female being to walk the earth as of late. And I actually loved the movie, despite it being completely, perfectly, incandescently...a huge, huge chick flick. I would ramble more about it, but seeing as we've been studying the book, my ramble would be really, really boring. So. I liked the ranga because he was all awkward and goofy and a bit of a doofus, but in a cute way. And Keira and the girl that played Jane were both gorgeous. And I liked the candlelight and the rain, and the mist and the tension.

And now I have to do some homework, because I'm in my free. Blah.

1 comment:

  1. You know what's funny? There's a bunch of people that call themselves individuals. Strange how that works >:] But yay for photography!

    And yes, Keira Knightley is amazingly gorgeous. Like. Whoa. Admittedly I was giggling through parts but that was me being bitter, cynical and attempting to be all gung-ho 'sif that would happen! But yes. I did like the ... just the dramatic elements.

    And teehee Mr Bingley was adoraable <3
