Today has been a day. We had photos and there was a big fuss about my studs and eventually I taped them. Ladidah.
So I was going to the debating photo. And I'm bad at debating. Not in that I can't debate, but in that I can't be punctual and regular and things like that. I don't show a lot is all. So there's meant to be a debate tonight, and I was going to go. We were talking about who was going to be what speaker and I volunteered to be third. Then this guy got pissed, saying I don't have any right to speak since I hardly ever show. Things along that line. And I got mad and walked off. Needless to say, I'm not in the photo, not that I really mind.
I'm not going to be all 'poor me', because everything's really my fault.
On the good side, I was asked to run sound for the school musical that's next week. I'm quite excited. There aren't many sound effects, only three. But there are 26 microphones, with I think up to 14? 18? running at one time, a bunch of mic changes, and I'm happy now (:
Happy and not happy, but mostly excited and swamped with homework.
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