Thursday, November 25, 2010


I love My Chemical Romance. A lot.

It's not like they saved my life. There was no epiphany moment where I was holding a bottle of pills and I'm Not Okay came on the radio and I realised that, "hey, I don't want to die!"

But they were there for me (in a musical sense) when I felt like everything was falling apart. They made me. Before I started listening to them and music like them, I was ordinary. Like, no life ordinary.

And despite all the crap I got and still get for liking them, I don't give a fuck. Because well, they're special. They make me feel special.

The night I saw them live was the best night of my life. I honestly do not think anything could ever top it.

Now I'm pretty much rambling. But, Danger Days? Perfection.

Friday, November 5, 2010

This is me.

Procrastinating. My review of The Getaway Plan is here. It got put in Liveguide's review section (:

And here are some photos I took with my phone, which is why I'm proud, because they turned out not too badly. So yay me.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I can't sleep. I have too much to do. Can't sleep. I want to write, I really, really do, but if I write I feel guilty and if I sleep I feel guilty and I'm wondering how the hell I'm going to deal with four VCE subjects next year if I can't deal with two.